Thursday 21 July 2016


One of the biggest things that has happened in the United Kingdom (Britain) for last 70 years and I have had nothing to say about it. 70 years? Yes the end of World War 2. I think this is equal in importance. This will be the greatest change, even greater than going into the Europeon Union. Why? Because we didn't vote to go into it, we voted to join the Common Market. Another reason is this is really the first time I have seen the British people dare to cock a snook at the Establishment.

Remember, people of 2525, I am looking at this from a small seaside town in the west country of England, I am viewing from a distance the story that I suppose mostly takes place in London. My view is via the Television news or my Internet connection. I talked to everyday people, friends, family and passers by, yes that was one of the things on the runup to the Referendum. People would actualy talk about what they would vote, ask what you would vote, or give their opinions either way, In or Out of the Union. Very rare for Brits to ask you which way you were going to vote in a general election. But for this vote almost all the people I know wanted to chat about it and see what I was going vote. Personally I have always belived that what I vote is between me and the ballot box and I said so. This even led to one relation saying what they thought I was going to vote.

I myself took sounding from my son who is in his fifties to know what a younger person thought. This elicited a sharp 'I'm not young'. Ah, but you are to me son. He still has the years ahead to live with the answer. All I will see is the immediate result. And as it turned out the result may be catastrophic.

I was as stunned as everyone else that the Brits went for OUT. Like most people I thought they would vote for the safe 'stay as we are' IN. It really meant that older people did vote to leave the Union and younger people for Status Quo. Having discussed this with said younger to me son he had come up with there are more oppotunities for work within the Union. Of course they have been brought up living inside the Union and being taught at School of the benefits for them. So why should they not vote IN. Older people were, I think, looking back wearing rose coloured glasses.

The world has changed beyond all recognition in the last 70 years. As I remember it is wasen't quite so wonderful in my younger days. I live now on a minimum amount of money and lived on an equally small amount of money when young. It is much better now, believe me. Particualrly as a woman, I don't want to go back. I like the global world, it has its possibilities. And I am first Internet generation . You think its the young? No, not at all, I was making web site before most of them were born. And no, I'm still not going to tell you which way I voted.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

EU Musings

 Goodness not far off a year since I last wrote on this blog. Still keeping with the idea of this blog, it is not my diary but how I look at what is happening now for people to read as history in the future.
I am a woman of nearly 81 living in a small town on the south coast of England. My outlook on life is via Television, Internet and occasionally Newspapers. If I do read newspapers they are more than likely to be digital.


But my subject here is the European Union much under discussion because we as a people are going to be given a choice of staying in or leaving this Union. My one vote may seem very small and could easily be wiped out if my husband decides to vote the opposite way. I am not saying he will because I don't think either of us have made up our minds which way to vote, we vacillate either way many times a day. I did have a short conversation with my 55 year old son. As he has longer to live with the result I wanted to know what he thought about it. It is mentioned in social circles but not really discussed.

We are now bombarded by sound bites for IN and OUT. A cabal of people from different political views have got together and stand for the OUT. At the moment it only seems to be the govenment led by Cameron that stand for the OUT. But even within the different political parties they have some for in and some for out, possibly contary the the party's offical stance on the subject. So how is an old lady in the depths of the country supposed to work out what to vote. The trouble is in Great Britain, United Kingdom, England, we don't really feel Europeon. I would think that people viewing that from USA or China etc. would find that very funny. They might say but look how close you are. In my younger days I had a relation that thought ....... (A word I can't use) started at Calais.  Very introverted, island culture.

The trouble is nobody will say what will happen to us if we leave, the OUTS just shout about losing our sovereignty. The INs seem to be using the fear card. Terrible things would happen if we leave. Better the devil you know. So at this time I can't say which way I think, it would take a person far cleverer than me to understand all. What did my son think? He felt that larger unions were the way for the world to go, breaking down into smaller units was wrong at this time. He maybe right, after all      perhaps that is the way to get futuristic World Governments.  Has it happened 2525?  I will try to write more on this from now to referendum in the summer months.