Monday 18 May 2015

History Buffs of the Future

History Buffs of the Future, and readers in the present, greetings again. I realised this blog, and my other Blog, was a good idea if only to give me something to write about. I remind you, people of 2525, this is the view of the world of a very ordinary person, living a retired life in a small town in South West England, UK. Dont expect grand vistas.
I now work on an Apple iPad which is much better than my Android pads. I wonder how you write, probably not at all but just speak. We can do that but in company I prefer to type it in. Many other things have changed for me. My husband has now retired and is home all day with me, I start my 9th decade next Wednesday, and I do everything I can to keep my brain working hard. We are constantly told to use it or lose it, so I use my iPad and the internet to stay up with the world and its happenings.
I also use it to study. If technonogy had been around in my youth I might have had a very different life.  The only trouble is that it changes again and again so quickly that it is difficult for older people to keep up. Today in the supermarket, my husband said, you could have swiped your card there. Oh for goodness sake, I've only just got used to it as it is now with a pin number.
Many older people have completely ignored the digital age, as its being called. Now they are being left behind as increasingly everything is worked by computer power. I have a friend who at 75 has just bought a laptop and a tablet but to be honest does not know one end from the other. I worry that if she starts doing her banking online she could be open to dire things happening. Its bad enough that crooks phone up the elderly and con them into giving them their bank details. Thousand stolen from them because they do not understand the digital age. Bastards! The govenment is trying to get these people to get with computers but how successful they will be I don't know. I was lucky to get a job on a hospital computer in the 1970s and been computer literate ever since, writing two published books on them and doing digital Art.

Nice to be back, thanks for reading this.

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