Friday 22 May 2015

The EU and me

There is so much history going on I really don't know where to start. History in the sense that it will be available for you to read, such things as our Prime Minester Cameron, is today talking to the leaders of Europe. He is going to try to negotiate new terms for Britain before we are to have a referendum of the 'In or Out' type for being in the Europeopn Union.

From my veiw point it does not make much difference as long as the govenment still pays our pension. Its all we have to live on. Can't say such a disaster could never happen because it has in Greece. But Greece is a mess economically and at this time we are not in such a bad state. And I count us lucky because there are many in this country on hard times. It seems to be single mothers that suffer the most but some families, even though they are working, find life very difficult. And I am personally very glad we never joined the Euro. If they moot that I will vote OUT.

Would we be any better outside of the Europeon Union? I have a very stong feeling that we would be out in the cold trading wise, and much better to be inside. Yet countries seem to be wanting independence and breaking down into smaller and smaller units. Take our own Scotland. It only just voted to remain British. Now towns and areas in England want autonomy. Cornwall, Manchester, Newcastle etc. when all we really need is an English government that sits say, in Birmingham. Then having the same powers as N Ireland, Wales and Scotland we could all be happy to leave such things as Defence, dealing with the EU and international affairs and trade to The Westminster Government.

Well that my view anyway, all done with a better voting system than First Past the Post.

Nothing much in my immediate neighbourhood. Went shopping in the local Sainsbury's Supermarket. With special coupons we managed to knock £10.00 off our bill because of a shopping card called Nectar. £10.00 can buy almost two meals for us. Then this afternoon a watched a video for the second time about water colour painting in an experimental style. Had a go but it didn't look anything like what she did in the video. I must keep trying.

Got to re-find out how to put pictures up here. It won't let me go to my camera roll. Got to use Pisca and haven't done that for years.

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