Thursday 11 June 2015

Post Election

This is just my view of the country in the last few weeks. I seem to be harping on abput the EU.

The general election is past and forgotton and we are now in the heat of argument about the Europeon Union referendum to be in or out of the Union. I thought we might have some respite as the promised referendum  in 2017 is still a long way away. But no, Prime Minister Cameron has immediatly jet setted through the main Eupopeon citys seeing the top people on what seems to me to be either a fruitless journey or it is him saying -  look at me and my negotiating skills. He got a lot of set backs for his trouble.

Then he made a bigger blunder by appearing to say that if those in govenment were not with him they were againt him and staying in the Union and they would be pushed out. Later he said the journalists had 'misunderstood' him. They would stay in cabinet and govenment. Now the strange bit to me is that before the election Cameron had said he would try to re- negotiate our standing with the EU and then offer a referendum on the outcome to the public. He didn't say, to my mind, I want us to stay in whatever changes are offered. But now that is what he seems to say. 

Will our being in or out of the EU make any difference to little pensioners like me? I doubt it. I remember voting to go into the Common Market which seemed a good idea, at the time. In 1975 I believe. Only five or six counties in it then but now it is a mega sized union with  countries in different economic states from dirt poor to quite rich. All I can say is I am thankful we didn't go into the single currency of the Euro.

I think everyone is going to be sick to death of hearing about this referendum and wish we could just get on with it. We have had a bit of a rest from it for a few days. 

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