Friday 1 July 2011

Radio in my Pillow, Graphics Tablet

PLEASE NOTE that this is not a diary but an attempt to leave writings intended for future social historians in 2525 and beyond. The 2525 is taken from the song by Zager and Evans,,,,
In the year 2525
If man is still alive
If woman can survive
They may find….. 

Most nights, or even every night, I listen to my radio via ear phones under my pillow. You can buy a pillow already set up with loud speakers in it but I started to make my own some years ago. Mostly I listen to BBC Five Live, radio Four, Radio Four Extra and World Service. I learn so much from the last one on that list, it makes me realise how lucky we – I – am in this country. On Radio Four Extra they have a lot of programs from the past, comedies, plays and so on. Listening to a 1980s show a character said something like ‘Dogs used to be man’s best friend, now it seems to be computers’. I laughed, I had been watching my husband sitting in his armchair with his new tablet computer on his lap and a very disconsolate dog eyeing him with a baleful look as if to say ‘that lap is where I should be!’. Best friend be blowed!

Another month of the year gone, it’s the 1st of July today. I woke up to a beautiful bright morning at 6.00 am but soon went back to sleep again. The rest of the day has been a bit more cloudy. I walked to Dawlish again so that’s four times this week. Dog went swimming in the brook in the grounds of the Manor but was frightened by a large German Shepherd dog which was actually a big softy.

Last night I splashed out and have bought a Wacom Graphics pad for my art work on computer. It is an A4 size and something I have wanted for a long time. It is coming in the morning and all I have to do now is learn how to use it.

The pound and a half I put on over my holiday week has gone again. It has been hard to eat very small portions for a while. I need to lose at least half a stone by September ready to wear something nice for my Ruby anniversary.

Yesterday the public workers went on strike and a lot of schools closed. It is a row over pensions. They should be so lucky. My husband is going to have to go on working past retirement age and I have less that half a pension.

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