Tuesday 25 January 2011

Bad News on the Doorstep

PLEASE NOTE that this is not a diary but an attempt to leave writings intended for future social historians in 2525 and beyond. The 2525 is taken from the song by Zager and Evans,,,,
In the year 2525
If man is still alive
If woman can survive
They may find…..
My windows on the world seem all doom and gloom but then what’s new? Media doesn’t find much change in giving good news. Our new coalition government is trying to get our national debt put right but cutting anything and everything – very quickly. The opposition want to go on borrowing and cut later – or at least that was what was in their manifesto in the last election – which they lost. They want us, the people, to go out and spend yet have cut jobs by the tens of thousands and say there are more to go, and taxed us to the hilt. Nobody feels safe enough to spend any money they have in case they will need it in the next few years. Today figures were down on what was expected, whoops from the opposition and lots of ‘I told you so's’. Fuel is the highest price ever known and so all travel in cars is limited. It means all goods that have to be transported will have to go up in price to pay for it and we the people will be screwed down pretty tight.

Our food production is even in question apparently. They say by 2050 there will be 9 billion people in the world – luckily I will not be one of them. I heard it said on the radio we in this country are only nine meals away from starvation because of the way our shops are now supplied every day by road. Well I lived through days when we very nearly starved. My childhood was filled with always being hungry. (World War 2) Perhaps that is why I find it hard not to eat food now. But we survived even on minimum food rations that were so small a family would probably eat it in one meal in developed countries today. And half the world goes to bed hungry. Always makes me feel guilty.

There has been another suicide bomber in Moscow Airport, they say it’s a woman and probably one of the Caucasus region Black Widows, women who have had a relation killed. I cannot imagine walking to ones death like that and taking so many with you. I am not sure the type of war we have these days isn’t worse than the one I lived through. I cannot see how you can ‘fight it’. Yet we must or the whole world will live in constant fear.

I bought a news paper last week that was advetised as new and relatively cheap. Turned out it was an old newspaper with a new name. I really didn't find anything interesting in it or that I hadn't heard on my radio or seen on TV. Shan't buy another, not worth it.

So as I said news is not good. Personally things are not too bad. I finished two scarves on my new knitting board for my friends two young girls. I have now to concentrate on David’s sweater which is very complicated and drives me mad. I got my tread mill out and did an exercise walk on it. Can't run as Doctor said it won’t do my new knee joints any good. Also walked the dog so got some exercise. David was out all day but is home tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. If my health is good, and barring accidents, I will turn 74 in 2050! And no doubt little will have changed in the world!
