Tuesday 11 January 2011

Weekend walks and being lazy. Shooting in USA

PLEASE NOTE that this is not a diary but an attempt to leave writings intended for future historians in 2525 and beyond. The 2525 is taken from the song by Zager and Evans,,,,
In the year 2525
If man is still alive
If woman can survive
They may find…..

After spending up on Saturday we had a quiet Sunday. The weather suddenly had one of those beautiful winter days we get here in Devon. It was still with a calm sea and there was blue sky and sunshine. When that happens here we take a walk with the dog along the sea wall to Teignmouth. You gradually undo winter coats and strip off hats and scarves as you get too warm on one side but still feel the chilled on the other. When we get to Teignmouth there is a kiosk we always patronise for a the best hot chocolate drink in town which we take off to sit on a bench and drink.

I enjoyed our walk but found I became a little dizzy and felt sick. I think it was too much exercise after being very sedentary for several weeks. Got home OK but was glad to get in and sit down. We cooked a roast chicken dinner in the evening and watched the new ‘Dancing on Ice’ programme of the celebrities making chumps of themselves. Two got pushed out and we thought they were the right ones.

David works on Saturdays which tends to make Sunday Saturday and Monday, which he takes off, our Sunday, if you see what I mean. We woke up to a totally different day, Grey, fast moving clouds and rain. At lunch time we noticed a break in the clouds and went out for a quick walk to blow the cobwebs away. Nearby we have a small park with an avenue of old trees set closed to each other with a path in between. As we started down it the wind was blowing in from the sea and bending the trees in an alarming way. Several have come down in the past but we went to the bottom of the park, looked at the foaming white horses out to sea and turned round to come home. What a change from Sunday’s calm sea. This is typical of British weather and particularly down here in South Devon. Good job we went when we did as it rained hard for the rest of the day and all night. Below avenu of trees and path in spring time, yes, and that dog.

Didn’t do much else other than I have been knitting on my new board like mad. I have finished a scarf for my friend’s little girl to match the hat I made her. Now I have to make one for the other sister. But I am going to tryout my new thicker wool first. Had a go at the pattern for David’s new sweater – I think I have bitten off more that I can chew – it’s a cable stitch and quite difficult. Going to have to do it now I have spent out for the wool!

Now Tuesday and David has gone off to work. The weather has improved today. I am having a lazy morning and have bought my breakfast upstairs and gone back to bed and am now writing this blog. I have an appointment for the hairdressers this afternoon and have to collect my prescription pills from the chemist. I have low thyroid trouble and have been on pills for it for some years now. Thank goodness for modern medicine or I would be miserable most of the time with a temperament that fluctuated.

World news is mainly the shooting of a congress woman in the USA. She was holding some sort of meeting outside of a Safeway’s store for her constituents to meet her and a young man started shooting at her. He wounded her in the head but she is surviving at present. But he killed six bystanders including a little girl of nine and a Judge. As he was trying to reload some brave people pulled the gun away from him and detained him so this time he couldn’t kill himself and he will stand trial. It is very hard for us in the UK to understand the way the US citizens have the ‘Right to bear Arms’ . I heard a pundit on the radio saying that it was something laid down in the seventeen hundreds and perhaps it was not really relevant to modern times. Another USA man said it kept America ‘Safe’. Hmm. I am glad we don’t have guns for everybody here is all I can say. We have had enough mass shootings here anyway.

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